The interview
Jean Theroux, Canada
What is your profession?
I am a chiropractor
How is the rehabilitation treatment of spine diseases managed in your country?
I am an academic teacher at Murdoch University. I mainly deal with students before they commence their clinical placement. Considering my particular interest in scoliosis, I developed a scoliosis clinic in our teaching clinic. Although I supervise all scoliosis patients, patients are cared for by students. This relationship helps me foster students' knowledge and clinical skills in dealing with these patients. Therefore, I have the opportunity to make students understand evidence-based management and have them realise the limits of specific treatments. As I was trained using SEAS, I can share this knowledge with students too, hopefully, motivating them to pursue their scoliosis training.
Scoliosis: how is it treated?
Scoliosis is treated using PSS exercises (SEAS) when appropriate. I was able to develop an excellent professional relationship with orthopaedists, which allows me to co-manage patients when necessary.
What would you like to improve on the clinical practice currently followed in your country?
The knowledge that chiropractors have of scoliosis improves multidisciplinary collaboration in dealing with this unique population.
What can the Scoliosis Online Master Course PPSCT give you, and how do you think you can apply this knowledge in your daily clinical practice?
Having a better understanding of this condition better equips health professionals to provide the best evidence-based care for patients who have scoliosis, whether they are adolescents or adults. This online Master allows me to meet and discuss with experts, under the same roof to improve this population's management further.