This is the application form for the Scoliosis Master Course on "Principles and Practice of Scoliosis Conservative Treatment".

Please submit this form only if you wish to apply for the course. If you need more information before applying or if you have any questions about this application form, please contact us at

Special discounts are available for members/delegates of ISPRM/ESPRM/SOSORT, UEMS Board fellows and Board registered trainees, and for participants coming from low, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries.
Early-bird deadline is January 8th, 2025.

Next year's course will officially start in January, 2025. Thank you for your interest in this course organized by Isico. All fields marked with an * are mandatory.

Personal Information

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Language Proficiency

Mark below your level of proficiency in English (if you are a native English speaker, mark N/A for the questions below):
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Professional and Academic Information

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Skills and Expertise
Below there are a few questions about your current experience in the conservative treatment of patients affected by vertebral deformities (mainly scoliosis, hyperkyphosis). .
Approximately, how many patients affected by vertebral deformities did you examine last year?
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Approximately, how many braces did you prescribe last year?
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Do you usually work with an orthotist when designing and doing the final check of braces?
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Do you usually work with physical therapists when treating patients?
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In order for us to understand whether you are familiar with distance learning and would adapt well to a distance-learning program, and also find out more about your ability to work in a group, please respond to the statements below (your responses will not influence your application):
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I can devote 5-7 hours every two weeks to the course, in addition to the 1-hour live lesson.
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I use email, phone and text messages frequently in my work.
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I can download software from the Internet and install applications without needing assistance.
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The reasons I am applying for this course are (mark all that apply):
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Early bird deadline expired

Registration fee: 3000 Eur after the deadline

Special discounts

  • Members/delegates of ISPRM/ESPRM/SOSORT, UEMS Board fellows and Board registered trainees have the opportunity to register with a special discount of 20% on the official fees ( 2400 Eur after the deadline). If you are eligible for this discount, please add your position (fellow/registered trainees/member/delegate) in the final field of the form
  • Residents in PRM register with a special discount of 50% on the official fees (1500 Eur).
    If you are eligible for this discount, please send us a document to prove it.
  • Participants coming from Low, Lower-Middle, and Upper-Middle-Income countries

    according to this official site are eligible for special discounts

  • Upper-Middle Income Countries: 20% - (2400 Eur after the deadline)
  • Lower-Middle Income Countries: 50% - ( 1500 Eur after the deadline)
  • Low Income Countries: 80% - (600 Eur after the deadline)

  • Discounts are not cumulative


For participants resident in Italy, payment of VAT in addition to the current valid fee is compulsory.

For private individuals resident in the European community, the addition of the VAT in force in the country of the organiser is also required, unless the participant is the owner of a proper activity or has been sent by a structure, activity, or body in possession of VAT registered in the VIES (VAT Information Exchange System, to award the course and therefore will be able to act as tax holder of the service. If this is your case, please contact us before enrolling to check out

The payment must be done via bank wire, to:

Bank account issued to: Isico Tecnologie Servizi srl - Corso Pavia,37 - 27029 Vigevano Italy
Bank Name: Banco Di Desio E Della Brianza, Branch of Vigevano
Bank Address: Via Decembrio, 27029 Vigevano Italy
IBAN : IT18 Q034 4023 0000 0000 0276 900

The fees mentioned should be transferred net of all bank charges and commissions for the receiver. Please send a copy of the wire receipt to
The registration will be considered valid only upon receipt of your payment and the receipt of the final confirmation sent by us.

Cancel Policy
Cancelling your enrollment until January 10th, 2025 we are obliged to deduct 15% from the reimbursement for handling costs. After that date, no reimbursement will be possible.

No CME are offered for this course

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Enter the letters in the box, thanks!
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